Travel is the only thing you can buy that makes you richer.

2 Tickets Please!

My father has always been my closest friend. Throughout my life he has provided me unwaivering support, encouragement, education, and life lessons. At the top of that list is the love of travel.

Since I was a little girl, we have embarked on vacations together. It began by exploring our home country of the United States, and by the time I was a teenager we were crossing oceans in order to explore new cultures and continents.

In order to build my confidence and independence, he would give me small tasks so that I was taking part in the plans and preparation of our travels. He would have me go to the bank with him from the age of 6 and allow me to deposit checks, learn how to use the ATM, or request tripTiks at the local AAA office. As my age and abilities progressed, so did my delegated tasks such as researching airfare and lodging. I would present my findings so we could make decisions together. This transitioned into me solely planning our trips by 2007 with our trip to Italy for 22 days.

Now that you “know us”, Welcome to our Father-Daughter travel blog! “2 Tickets to See the World” will bring you along on our adventures, outline our trips, provide logistical information and recommendations, and above all provide a wonderful travel diary for us to remember every moment together.

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